Resume tips

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Resume tips

Are you currently looking for employment, or want a new job? Don’t wait for the New Year to come. You need to start your Job search now. Begin by sprucing up your resume and giving it a revamp to get you desired job.Successful candidates keep the pool of knowledge updated regarding the latest trends in resume writing. Each employer is hiring proactive and dynamic candidates for any job. The usual and old-fashioned resume reflects a dull personality, while extended in accordance with modern trends reflects the dynamic personality.

The Job marketplace is constantly evolving, therefore to get the ideal Job we need to continue into something different significantly every couple of years. A decade ago resumes were really long and unstructured. Today we have literally one paged, formatted and branded announcement of the candidates.

Here is some useful information that will help keep you up to date job market in the rapidly changing requirements as you enter the job market

There are many resume samples and resume templates you can find on the Internet to give yourself some inspiration and a leg up. However, you can also easily do it yourself by following the below steps.

Format and Layout – The future belongs to continued catchy themes. Customize your resume in the form of optimizing qualifications and experience. Do not use common models at any cost.

The aim – is always to understand the purpose of your profile before beginning to write it – the goal is to land an interview and if you keep this in mind, you have a good chance of ensuring that you write a good one and get the desired job.

Keep it professional – Your resume is a business document so it should be professional. This is no place for gimmicks, pictures, or funny e-mail addresses. Although you may think you look great in your picture or your e-mail address is funny, this is not required on your resume. You may think it looks great, but your employer may disagree. Stick to the facts and keep it professional!

Make it to the point – The more targeted your resume is, the better you have at landing a Job interview. Employers want to know exactly what you can do for the job. It is important you tailor each resume to each job. Get rid of any information that is not required for a particular job. This will alleviate the tendency to overcrowd your resume with too much irrelevant information.

Self Promote – Your resume is a marketing document. Promote and sell yourself! Do not be scared to sell your skills, accomplishments, and abilities. If you don’t tell the employer, no one else will.

Focus on what you can offer the Job rather than what the Job can offer you. Emphasize your skills especially the ones the job is asking for. An employer wants to know you have the relevant skills for that particular job.

Quality not quantity – Your resume is not a life story. Stick to the facts— using irrelevant data, waffling, and padding your resume are detrimental. Let your skills and experience do the talking for you.

Keep it Short and crisp – Forget about fancy fonts or clever uses of italics. Keep it simple. Your resume is not meant to be a work of art to be displayed on the wall. Not only can it be hard to read, but there are multiple scanning software programs that might be unable to read it, meaning it will end up being deleted before even being opened.

Have a Correct Spelling/Grammar/Punctuation – Every word program these days has spell check—USE IT! Poor spelling and grammar will immediately land your resume in the “deleted items” box. It is hard enough to get an interview—do not let yourself down with basic spelling mistakes. Re-read every word yourself, and get someone else to read it as well.

Keep it Consistent – Be sure your resume is written in a commonsense way—in order, logical, and easy to read. Be consistent throughout your resume with your margins, fonts, and line spacing. Don’t be scared to accentuate your skills or achievements with a different style of font or by using a bold font (but remember keep it simple. There is a fine line of going overboard when using different font styles). Consistency shows professionalism.

Unless you are directly asked about money, do not mention it. Keep your cards close to your chest. Do not rule yourself out before you even begin because of money.

Caliberly – Recruitment Expert

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